Fairfax Democrats inspire me

Fairfax Democrats have inspired me to run for school board. This is a very committed group of people. They believe deeply in making society work for every person. This goal has become difficult to achieve. The Golden Age of Productivity ended in 1973. This has made it hard to deliver for center left parties in all countries.

Democrats have adapted to this to try to deliver support to all people in need, but to maintain the fundamentals for progress. This has turned out to be a struggle. We have to come together to deliver what is achievable in time. Total Factor Productivity is the key measure of our success in delivering economic progress. We have to do better on that measure. The public schools are the key to keeping the growth rate of TFP above zero.

Democrats will adapt as the evidence indicates. The key is not to give up on sound academics for all students. This means finding out why some students can’t progress in math. Part of that is there are flaws in the math standards of learning. Some of these accumulate over time and some kids drop out.

While improvement is important, we should not ignore the successes that are delivered for many students. This reflects hard work and a long term commitment to public schools. That is a core value of the Democratic party and that has not and will not change. Many students succeed in the IB and AP programs showing that there is culture of success in the public schools. This comes above all from teachers who are committed to these students.

For me personally, I have seen within Fairfax Democrats a band of brothers of sisters who won’t give up on their passion for public service and for delivering results to the people of Fairfax County. They do not give up on the public schools and they don’t give up on each other. This county is blessed by this party and the party is even more blessed by this county. We are going to maintain the successes that exist and build on these to deliver more success to both the best students and those struggling or dropping out.

I often feel like the least worthy of those in Fairfax Democrats and that I have to catch up with them. This feeling has only grown as I have had the chance to meet more Fairfax Democrats and have been welcomed into their homes in this campaign. This is a tremendous group of people whose passion for government and people keeps this county going. They have delivered many critical services to people in need while still providing opportunity in education and work for most people. I hope that I can add a small contribution to theirs. This feeling is a simple statement of the truth and that inspires me in my campaign.