Why I am a Democrat

I joined the Democratic Party because of the importance of the guarantees that Democrats make to people. These includes Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Medicaid Expansion, the Health Market Place, and state and local pensions among many others. These guarantees are what people want.

My career has been in life insurance company solvency. I have contributed to many taskforces on this subject from Larry Gorski’s Taskforce on Equity Indexed Annuities in the 1990s to the Life Annuity Task Force of the NAIC in the last couple of years. All of this work focuses on making good on the guarantees that life insurance policies make to policyholders.

Guarantees are not just popular with people, they are a fundamental component of a modern civil society. These guarantees have to be expanded. But at the same time, they must be funded. I feel that my background in life insurance solvency testing for life insurance guarantees has prepared me for the task of helping to make sure that the guarantees introduced by the Democratic Party over the last century are made good on and expanded.

I feel that in a small way, I took on personal responsibility for making good on these guarantees when I joined the Democratic Party. It is to make good on this responsibility that I am running for School Board at large in Fairfax County. My mission is to raise total factor productivity through math, science, data science and computer programming education in the Fairfax County public schools.

Robert Solow won the Nobel Prize in economics for proving that total factor productivity is the key variable for economic growth per person in the long run. It is the prosperity number of the economy. To make good on these guarantees, this number has to at least not decline and really needs to grow. But in recent years it has had periods of zero growth. Since 1973, it has grown slowly. The year 1973 was the end of the Golden Era of Productivity in the United States. Since then productivity and wages have grown very slowly and by some measures, wages have even gone down for some groups of non-college educated workers. Fixing that is my mission in running for school board of Fairfax County.